Dear customer,
We have added a new way to purchase from us. Please meet and great phone application (PWA) for Android and Apple smartphones. PWA means that although it is not native application form the store but it allows to download our website directly on your phone to order from us which mean no history and other unnecessary marks left within the browser.


Main benefits of using PWA :
– no need to use the browser which means no history and unnecessary filed would be stored in the memory of your pc/smartphone/tablet
– PWA works much quicker than ordinary website which allows to order quicker even with a slower internet connection
– all traffic is encrypted via https (which means nobody can intercept and to find out what you’re currently doing)


To download our PWA on Apple smartphone:
– open safari browser
– go to
– press “options” button (next to bookmark button on the left)

– chose “Add to Home Screen” option

– start using the application


To download our PWA on Android smartphone:
– please download our APK file Hub420 – Buy weed online UK safely.apk
– please confirm permission If smartphone asks for unchecked application installation
– complete the installation
– restrict sending notification to google play store from the application
– start Using the application


And please do not hesitate to contact our support in case you have any questions regarding the application.

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